INACOM Audience with Ministry of Industry

Jakarta, 22 August, 2023 - INACOM held an audience with the Ministry of Industry (Kemenperin). This audience was to introduce INACOM's new management, with Adi Sasongko as Chairman of INACOM for the 2023-2027 period at the Ministry of Industry building.

This audience was received by Andi Komara as Coordinator of Maritime Industry Working Team at IMATAP-ILMATE, Ministry of Industry (Kemenperin).

In the discussion, Adi Sasongko, as Chairman of INACOM, asked for support from the Ministry of Industry so that they can have supply chain independence by involving INACOM members with the national drone industry. Furthermore, the Secretary General of INACOM, Anton S. Santoso proposed that a meeting be held between INACOM and GMF to increase cooperation in making PMA parts. In addition, the Secretary General of INACOM asked for the socialization of low interest loans to INACOM members who are exporters.

The Ministry of Industry welcomed what was conveyed by INACOM. Andi Komara suggested that INACOM collaborate with a certification body so that INACOM members can be AS9100D certified. Through Directorate IMATAP-ILMATE, Ministry of Industry will hold Forum Group Discussion (FGD) to discuss PMA together with GMF, DKPPU, and the aircraft component industry.